Regelmatig verzorg ik workshops in binnen- en buitenland. Een workshop biedt de mogelijkheid om dieper in de dans en het bijbehorende thema te duiken. Tijdens een workshop wordt de dans afgewisseld met verschillende oefeningen. De uren die je maakt tijdens een workshop tellen mee als vooropleidingsuren richting de 5rhythms teacher training.
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2024za23nov(nov 23)10:00zo24(nov 24)16:55Lineage 5rhythms heartbeat/waves workshop10:00 – 16:55 (24)
23 (Zaterdag) 10:00 – 24 (Zondag) 16:55
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“honouring the past transform the future” November is the month where the veil between past and present is thin. The ideal
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This weekend full of dance, ritual and ceremony will shine a different light on your (hi)story and will provide you a space to release old habits and patterns and set your ancestors free.
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2025za05apr10:00za17:00The Journey10:00 – 17:00
(Zaterdag) 10:00 – 17:00
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“Through dance i’ve journeyed, through my body, into my heart, past my mind, into another dimension of existence I call ecstasy Total communion with spirit” Gabrielle Roth founder 5Rhythms® We are
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“Through dance i’ve journeyed, through my body, into my heart, past my mind, into another dimension of existence I call ecstasy Total communion with spirit” Gabrielle Roth founder 5Rhythms®
We are wanderers in the million miles between the head and the feet as we wander through life. The Journey is a 7hr longdance of 5 waves. Each with a different theme and vision. The journey shows us our skils, our endurance and ability to flow with whatever presents itself to us. It teaches us when to rest & when to move. It deepens our practice & stretches what we know. It takes us to places we have never been.
“The journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step” Lao Tzu
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2025do05jun(jun 5)18:00ma09(jun 9)17:00God,Sex & The Body18:00 – 17:00 (9)
5 (Donderdag) 18:00 – 9 (Mandag) 17:00
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God Sex and the Body is and always will be a profound and integral part of the 5Rhythms® curriculum. It has personally informed my way of being, my teaching style,
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God Sex and the Body is and always will be a profound and integral part of the 5Rhythms® curriculum. It has personally informed my way of being, my teaching style, and, most deeply, my acceptance of who I am and who I am not.” — Gabrielle Roth
Jonathan Horan writes about this workshop:
In the series of maps that comprise the dancing path of the 5Rhythms®, God, Sex and the Body is an initiation into being an embodied soul. It is a deeply personal journey, a celebration like no other, a ritual for the hot and holy you.
This journey is a call to stretch our imaginations with a long forgotten innocence and move through a spectrum of feminine and masculine archetypes, to dress up these characters in ritual theater, get inside them and give them expression. No one else can be a man or woman exactly like you. No one else can embody your soul, or project your magic or have your specific curiosity. Part lover, part artist, part god, we were born to rock the world and feel our way into each others hearts.
Grounded in the 5Rhythms Movement practice, this experience can liberate and inspire us to emerge a bit more fascinated with each other and the mystery of it all.
In order to assist yourself in the investigation, we ask that you open your imagination to the everyday objects in your world. What represents the masculine in you? What represents the feminine? Not necessarily articles of clothing, although accessories are great — a belt, a hat, a walking stick. Some things are very specifically gender charged — a tube of lipstick, a baseball bat, a mink stole, a cigar, etc. Please allow for two or three of these gender props to find their way into your bag and bring this bag with you to the workshop. And, men you are invited (but not pressured) to indulge your feminine nature by donning a skirt or dress on the dance floor.
On Sunday evening, we invite you to join us for a arty, funky, fabulous, dress-up, get-down party as our guest. It is in honor of the feminine so think “wild, arty and free”. Or as Gabrielle Roth said: come as you are not.
Early bird till the 1th of april € 425 including dinnerparty excl drinks
limited spots: 50